Friday, December 30, 2011

An Anything Goes Announcement!

Happy almost New Year's everyone! My resolution is most certainly to catch up on crafting and on updating this poor blog! I have been a bad blog mommy and I resolve to do better in 2012. But enough about that - you want to know what the announcement is, don't you?

We have decided to have a design team call! Up until now we have relied on our crafty friends and  we have decided to branch out and see what our followers have to share. We are looking for anyone who is interested in hosting one challenge the last weekend of the month. You do not need to have a blog, although if you have one that is great.

If you are interested, please email us a picture of one unpublished paper craft project and a description of what your challenge would be to  - the deadline is January 15th at 12 midnight EST. Let your imaginations and your crafting run wild - you know how strict we are about rules around here. And we can't wait to see what you create! Happy Crafting!

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Hi everyone, this is Dawn from ScrappyRn.  I am here to share with you today a project that would be great to get started now that the year is coming to an end and 365 new days are coming up to make the most of.

It's almost time for the new year to start.  This year instead of making resolutions and then feeling bad when I can't or don't keep them I have decided that I will only plan to make some great memories this coming year.  Part of this is due to the fact that we had to make a "Year in the Life" type book for our adoption hearing.  Sadly that book became part of the perm. court records because I really liked having that little snippets of life.

This calendar has spots for monthly plans, which are things I hope to be able to do, even if it's just a trip to the beach, build a snowman or something as big as Feb. 1st - stop smoking (this is a plan, not a resolution, I am going to give it my all, but I am not going to beat myself up)

There is also a place for some photos (of course not all from the month as I will still be doing scrapbooks) just some from the month that were standouts.  A place for funny things someone said and also a place for documents, drawings, ticket stubs or what have you.  (Anyone have a good word for this?  I used Docs in this copy of the calendar but I am not liking that word)

To help out with that I thought a new calendar would be a great way to do this.  I had this great vision in my head, and things started out as planned, but then I hit a few snags along the way, along with the stresses of the holidays, well it didn't come out as I had visioned (and I will be redoing this) but I still want to share because I love the concept.

Part of my problem was that earlier this month I got a hair up my bottom and tore apart all my stacks and tossed papers that I didn't think I would use, between that and having been on a spending ban my paper choices were very limited.  After the beginning of the year when things settle down I will go pick out the exact papers I want for this.

My other issues were:
1. A soon to be 2 yr old that wanted to help each step of the way.
2. I used the chipboard book boards in 12x12 for the cinch.  These are covered in a white paper and I found out when you use wet adhesive (such as Beacon's 3n1) is causes it to pull away from the chipboard center and wrinkling (next time I will use plain chipboard, which I actually had on hand but thought the white would be nice), also these boards are not all the same size and nor are they a true 12x12 (or the papers I used were not 12x12)
3. When doing a project like this you will need at least 4 NEW mats for your cricut, I actually had one split in the machine (I could see it coming but thought I could do "just one more" sheet, silly girl)
4. This really is not something to try to do in one week (especially a holiday week)
5. Long ago on the Cricut MB a gentleman gave the tip to hide the score marks and score yourself to avoid paper lumpys (right now I can't think of a better way to describe it) from showing.  Well I remembered this tip AFTER I cut out all my pockets, and having limited paper, I just had to roll with it.
6. If you have small children in the house, they WILL bump you when you are trying to write, line up calendar squares or anything else that is going to stand out like a sore thumb, do small parts during nap time or after they go to bed.
7. Folding 48 library card pockets is a pain, don't attempt them all in one day.

So now onto the concept and my ill-fated first attempt at my 2012 Memory Calendar, wait, are you still here?  Ok just wanted to be sure after blabbering on so much.

This is how the calendar will stand on the shelf once I make the new one.  It will be held together with book rings so after the year is done it will be year in review book.

Here is January

The 3rd picture shows a picture of the tags that are in the "plans" and "you said" pockets, as soon as I dig out my stamps I plan to stamp them with some lines.

I am not going to do all 12 months of photos because I think you get the idea, but I will show some of the ones I like and also some that will show some hints.  Such as March, I thought this shamrock paper I had was the cats meow for March, UNTIL I folded the pockets.............Make sure you either have a nice double sided paper or nothing on the back, here you will see the back of this sheet had the DCWV logo all over it :(

I really liked this one for August since we have lots of BBQs and also the family is usually all up for the Annual MooseFest in August.

I liked this one because September is the start of my favorite season FALL.  The last picture shows those "paper lumpys" that I was talking about if you don't hide the score lines before you cut.  When you have a pretty straight forward fold like this it really is best to hide the score marks to avoid those little things sticking out.

I used my Gypsy to set this all up and cut with my Expression.

Library pocket is from Tags, Bags, Boxes and More at 11.5 inches (you get 2 a mat) after cutting them, I used my paper trimmer to cut off the top a smidge so they fit 4 to a 12x12 sheet.  The tag is also from TBBM cut at 5.60 inches.

The calendar itself came from Designers Calendar and cut at 6.25 (height) some of the months I used the outline, some I just laid the outline down and then glued in the squares that cut out.

The font on the pockets is from Nifty Fifties at 1.25 inches and welded.  The font for the months is from Winter Woodland (shadow) at 1.25 inches also.

Next time I want to cut little candles for all the birthdates and special things for the holidays or at least get some neat cool layered stickers like the ones I put on the December pages in this one (need to hit Walmart up tomorrow so I can score some of the same ones on clearance LOL)

I promise to come back and show you all the one I make to replace this one, because I really love the idea of handy something like this to remember the year.  We all have those times when something was said or done and we say "I will write that down or scrap that" and we just don't get to it, but by having this right out in the open and being able to take care of it just a month at a time I think it will not only be a nice book at the end, but it might also help you recall some of the information you need for full scrapbook pages you don't get to until later.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Photo Inspiration

Happy Sunday Crafters!

First let me apologize for my lack of a project this week. This week has been majorly stressful and haven't had much crafty time. But since I'll be on vacation Monday afternoon through the new year I hope to get some extra crafty time in. But I still wanted to provide you with a photo for inspiration and see what you came up with. So that being said here it is ........................

December Inspiration

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Theme Challenge - Holiday

Happy Friday! Is anyone else beginning to be in a dead panic that Christmas is just over a week away? My hand is up!! I decided to make this week's theme "holiday" and not just Christmas because I don't want to limit what you can do! So any holiday would count for this challenge! My daughter must have learned about Kwaanza today because she came home asking if we were going to celebrate that too this year.

I decided to share with you a simple tag I created for a Cricut Circle swap (right before they snipped off my antennae) so if you are a Circlet friend I will apologize that this is not new to you. I am getting excited that the time to finally use my tags from that swap is here! Now only if I can bear to part with them - some I just want to keep and look at!

I started with a kraft paper base and then because these were made for a swap I didn't want to mess with adhesive or even bust out my trusty Xyron, so I decided to use vinyl - adhesive included and my problem was solved! The tag shape is from Winter Frolic and cut out at 5 inches. The poinsettas are from the Christmas solutions cart and that cut is 2.30 inches. I believe I did not cut out the middle layer, choosing instead to replace it with some heat set gems which always seems like a good idea until I am in the middle of having to put a million of them on. Apparently I wasn't a big enough glutton for punishment because I also added metal heat set studs to the ends of the scrolls too. I am thinking I must have more patience for Christmas in the summer than in December!

I hope you are inspired to share your holiday projects with us - they don't even have to be new! I think it would be nice to have a spot to get those last minute ideas! I sure as heck will need them! Happy crafting and happy holidays!

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

We have a Winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay I was supposed to post this this morning but of course got side tracked ;o). So our December Technique Tuesday Blog Candy Winner is ...........................




Okay is the suspense Killing you yet?!?!?!?



Okay fine the winner is .................................

Diane M

Please contact us with your address and preference of dyed or un-dyed crinkle ribbon. If you want it dyed any color preference(s) you might have.


Thank you to everyone for visiting and look for a new challenge on Friday.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

December Stash Challenge ~ Ink

Hello Friends!!! I can't believe the holidays are almost here and I'm sooooooo not ready. Heck I'm still making holiday cards for my sister to send and of course they are supposed to be in the mail to her tomorrow. Hmmmmmm better get my behind into gear. Today's challenge is another Use your Stash Challenge. Hubby was asking me what I wanted for Christmas and boy when I started to think about it I was like ummmmmm I have a TON of craft stuff and do I really need more stash?? Well of course I need more in my stash but I better use what I have for now.

So today we are going to use INK. It can be ink to stamp; ink from markers; ink to enhance your cuts; even ink from pens to do your journaling. I decided to use ink to stamp a Christmas Card.

I used versamark ink to stamp the image and words and then used blue shimmer embossing powder. The great thing about this color of embossing powder is that it doesn't shimmer unless the light hits it just perfectly so it's a subtle shimmer.

The blue die cut behind the stamp was cut using the Cricut Circle Exclusive Sophie Cart.

Now I hope you'll play along and use your ink stash and join in the challenge. Happy Crafting :o)


December 2011 Sunday Stash Challenge

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Use Your Stash - Use Your Holiday Paper

Hello all! I feel as though I have been gone for years!! Life has and still is pretty crazy around here and it doesn't look like that is changing anytime soon. My craft room doubles as the dining room during the holiday season and I just got back in this week - it still isn't set up in real working order. That being said I am going to share a project I did last year and never shared - and then when I consider the amount of work that went into them  - how the heck did I not post them?? And it will serve as a reminder that I have done this before.

And yes - this week's challenge is to use your holiday paper - that's right I said it - you have to USE it. I know, I feel your pain, I may have one or two stacks that I have multiples of (or maybe even 4 or 5). I decided it should be this week's challenge because I have to challenge myself or I won't be able to do it!! It's so hard! I have projects to get done and that paper needs to be cut!! So steel yourselves and join me!

So without further ado, here are my projects!

Remember when there were no Cricut carts with Chinese takeout boxes?? These are Chinese takeout boxes that I made last year using a George file from Cindy McEvey's blog - the file did not quite work like I needed to so Caroline re-created it for me and it was the solution to my problems but they took for-ev-ah to cut! and look at all the pretty paper I used! With the addition of a mini cupcake wrapper they are the perfect packaging for glitter ornaments, which you can see on my personal blog here

And I was nuts enough to make almost 30 of these because they were the goody bags for my daughter's class. I am shuddering right now as I realize that most of them probably went straight in the trash - but that's not why we do it right? And of course now there are several carts with takeout boxes including Sweet Treats and I think Art Philosophy. 

So I can't wait to see what you make with all your pretty paper! I am getting into my room no matter what this weekend! After cookies get done, dance tickets sold, pageant practice over....SIGH. Happy Crafting!

December 2011 Use Your Stash Paper

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December Technique Tuesday ~ Crinkle Ribbon

Wow it's already December's Technique Tuesday. where has the time gone? This month we have a really EASY tutorial on how to make crinkle ribbon aka seam binding ribbon. I love the look and feel of the crinkle ribbon. It's very soft looking and not very stiff. There are plenty of sites that sell ribbon already crinkled but for the cost I prefer to buy it and dye it myself.

I purchased rolls from Amazon. I like the eggshell color cause it seems to have a slight ivory tint to it. Make sure you get the rayon seam binding. In order to dye them you will need the following items:

* Seam binding
* Mini Misters
* Liquid Reinkers (I'm using Stampin Up reinkers but any wet ink will work)
* Gloves (if you don't want ink on your hands)
* Freezer paper (or other protective paper (like wax paper))
* Water
* If you want to add a hint of shimmer then you sill need some perfect pearls and some alcohol ink blending solution.

Step 1:
Cut the seam biding for the size you want. It can be a little or a lot. That's the beauty of dying your own ribbon.

Step 2:
Spray the ribbon with a little bit of water. Scrunch the ribbon into a ball.
Step 3:
Fill a mini mister 2/3 of the way with water. Add a few drops of ink to the water. The more drops the darker the color. The less drops the lighter the color. If you want the shimmer add a little scoop to the water/dye mixture. Add a drop or two of alcohol blending solution. It helps bind the shimmer to the water/dye mixture.

Step 4:
Spray the ribbon and use the ribbon to pick up the excess spray on the freezer paper

Step 5:
Scrunch the ribbon in a tight ball

Step 6:
Continue to spray/pick up ink to achieve the color you want

Step 7:
If you want it to dry super fast hit it with your heat gun for a little while. Be sure to move the heat gun around because the ribbon will burn if you leave the heat in one place.
NOTE: If you don't want/have a heat gun leave the seam binding in a ball and let it dry on it's own. Depending how much water/dye you used will depend on how long it takes to dry.

Continue the stops above for additional colors. If you want to mix colors start with the lighter color and then apply the darker color and use as little or as much as you want.

Another way to dye the ribbon if you want a darker color start with your water/dye mixture to get a base color

then add a few drops of ink directly the to paper you are working on

Then use your ribbon to pick up the ink but be sure to do it slowly as to not get to much color in one spot

Here are the completed colors.

Now in traditional with our Technique Tuesday tutorials you can win some crinkle ribbon. You can either have it dyed or you can have un-dyed ribbon so you can dye it yourself. All you need to do is leave a comment here. Winner will be announced on Tuesday December 13th.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

December Product Challenge ~ Punches

Hello Caroline again. And yes today is Sunday. I'm sad to say the weekend is almost over :o(

So I had the best intentions of crafting ALL day today ... well you know how those intentions go. Turn on my cricut .... well attempt to turn it on and nothing happens. Really??? Are you kidding me??? I NEED to craft. I NEED to get Christmas cards made I don't have time for a broken cricut. Check the power cord ... firmly in the cricut and firmly into the power outlet. Okay I know I'm getting a new E2 for Christmas but it's not Christmas yet and I NEED my cricut NOW. Well fast forward ... my power cord is dead. Dig out the baby bug power cord and I'm back in business or so I thought. In walks hubby and he needs help with his computer. Finish that and it's time to get ready for dinner ugh. Today has not turned out to be my crafting day.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO needless to say my project for you today is unfinished. Well sort of unfinished. Let me explain. While sitting in my craft room trying to think of what today's challenge should be I sit and stare at my wall'o'goodies and it hits me. We have all (or most of us) been enabled to purchase paper punches. I mean who doesn't love those Martha Stewart Punches???? As I'm looking at them I'm realizing that I don't use them as much as I should.

So the light bulb goes off and I decide today we are going to use our punches. In trying to work on Christmas cards (that's a whole nother story) I see my Martha Stewart Branch Punch. Okay I'll use that for a Christmas Card.

So while my punch item is complete the project is not. That being said here is my inspiration for you today

A wonderful Cricuteer Lorraine has a fabulous video on how to make these wreaths using this punch. I've been so afraid to use this punch cause it never turns out the way I want. But whala Lorraine to the rescue.

Now it's your turn. Let's see what you do with your paper punches!!!! Happy crafting.


December 2011 Product Challenge ~ Punches

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Friday, December 2, 2011

December Sketch Challenge

Hi Everyone!!!! Caroline here. Nope it's not Sunday and you haven't missed the weekend. Allison has been caught up with some work stuff this week and asked me take over for her for this sketch challenge weekend.

I have some large shoes to fill and was a little nervous cause she's the queen of layouts but she did hold my hand and give me the sketches to work with :oP

Layout Sketch

Card Sketch

So I've been trying to scrap my wedding pictures ... it's only been 5 years so why not start now.
Considering I haven't done layouts in a very LONG time I'm pleased with the way these turned out. On the black embossed panel I used white/clear smooch spritz to tone down the black.

Now for the card
Close up of the charms

The little snowflake squares are foil tape run through the cuttlebug and then dyed with alcohol ink.

The charms were made with beads and mini jingle bells. Now it's your turn. Let's see your take on the sketches.


December 2011 Sketch Challenge

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